TAKOYAKI Bar, TAKOYAKI G | お店のミカタ https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/ We offer a delicious takoyaki toward foreigners. https://asset.omisenomikata.jp/Hp360/d9/2f/2139364/2139364_6a63a8d92f_header_logo_pc.jpg TAKOYAKI Bar, TAKOYAKI G https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/ 【お知らせ】 travelers one free glass of beer! Mon, 26 Sep 2016 15:12:29 +0900 1453678 https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/ travelers one free glass of beer! 【日記】 It was also opened today! Mon, 26 Sep 2016 15:07:38 +0900 1453675 https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/diary/1453675 If you came to Nagoya on the trip, please come to eat my takoyaki. 【カテゴリーなし】 Tuyu TAKOYAKI Mon, 26 Sep 2016 10:40:15 +0900 1453575 https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/menu/1453575 It is eaten dipped in delicious soup.<br />Grated radish has become an accent.<br />It is the takoyaki of a new sense!<br />It is no longer fast food. Restaurant might taste? 【カテゴリーなし】 Source takoyaki Mon, 26 Sep 2016 10:33:29 +0900 1453571 https://takoyaki-nagoya.on.omisenomikata.jp/menu/1453571 Osaka of taste!<br />Have you ever eaten a really delicious takoyaki?<br />Come if came to Nagoya, please eat my takoyaki.<br />Taste of the original source is very popular with foreigners!<br />Beer and takoyaki is the best!